LastMinuteLucie and the search for time

Posts tagged ‘stitched pictures’


Alongside my art journal I have been working my way through the Stitch Club challenges. Stitch Club is an offshoot of Textile and has various textile artists giving short workshops for members to try as a way to inspire, increase, expand their practise.

This was a workshop by Anne Kelly which was ostensibly about recording a journey. What with Covid, not much travel has happened that I have ticket stubs etc available for so I went for travels through my fabric stash. Each piece used has been part of another ‘make’ in the last twelve months, whether it be a face mask, a piece of clothing or a repair.

I keep a jar of leftover pieces – you never know when they might come in handy – and these have been sandwiched between a thin cotton and some ‘fabric paper’ that I’ve had for about a decade. The stitching is done by machine and, let me tell you, a fair amount of cursing when my machine refused to play ball!

Luckily it all came out ok in the end. Phew!

I’ve used it as a notebook cover. I don’t always make things from my stitched pieces, but this one cried out for a job.

Would You Rather Math



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